Friends Aloud

?Facebook has gone audible on Androids! You can now access, listen to, post status updates, and write comments, all with the sound of your voice.

Friends Aloud is the new app created by VioZapp Inc. It is the first app of its kind. Opitmizing state of the art reading technology, and bring it to facebook, means a whole new world of social media. The app is also optimized to use Droids automated built in speech recognition. 

"Facebook has become an integral part of peoples' lives, and mobile has fundamentally changed the way they access and use social networking services", says Dr. Robert B. Wesson who is Voizapp's CEO. "You can now stay in touch with your Facebook friends while safely driving, walking, exercising – anywhere your eyes are otherwise occupied. And you can dictate your own posts and comments without needing to type anything at all. In short, you can have a complete Facebook experience by voice."

So what the features of Friends Aloud? Check out the best parts here:
•    Listen to news feed posts, associated likes and comments, in an easy to understand voice
•    Speak status updates, comments, “like” posts and comments, and even add punctuation!
•    Type in options for distinct or special spellings/characters
•    Scroll through news feeds and posts or read posts at random
•    Play, pause, and skip forward/back using intuitive controls
•    Read aloud while in the background
•    Switch automatically between reading existing posts in sequence or just reading new posts as they arrive for as long as desired
•    Understands slang, common jargon, and computer lingo, like smiley faces, LOL, hearts, etc.
•    Limit the number of comments, likes, statues, etc, read aloud

This amazing app is yours through the Google Play store for only $1.99

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